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Create your self-determined life

My coaching offers

Create your self-determined life

This coaching combines the causes for certain topics – „Why you are the way you are“ – „How will you be the way you want to be?“. When you release blockages, you can use the energy that is released to attract what you really want into your life.

This is a process of taking a close look at your desires and dreams and figuring out how to achieve them. You then create your own vision film with images and excerpts from the future that you wish for.

Changes in life are an opportunity to grow internally. Accept them as such and see where they take you! Through coaching you can change your attitude and accept the necessary changes

Would you like to be more successful professionally and leave nothing to chance? In this case, you should consult a career coach. Especially if you have been stagnating professionally for a long time, it can be helpful to get impulses from outside.

In this coaching you will learn what toxic people look like and how to behave towards them correctly.

Structural Constellation

Coaching Method

compassion and self-care

Self-compassion is the emotional ability to be kind to yourself and face difficult moments with kindness, understanding, and self-care. This approach has great potential for therapy and self-development. Through self-compassion we gain emotional strength, our emotional well-being increases, and we are more resilient to the rigors of life.



7 phases of coaching

Coaching is always individually adapted to the needs, questions and problems of a client. However, there are certain processes and structures that everyone should know:

1. Preliminary talk
In the first phase of the coaching, the coach and the client get to know each other. In this phase of trust, it is important that a relationship is established in which both parties feel comfortable.
2. Establishing Agreements
When starting a coaching, the framework of the coaching is first defined. This will determine where the coaching will be held and how much it will cost.
3. Analysis phase
The actual coaching begins. In this phase, the coach collects information, asks questions and explores the first problem areas.
4. Change phase
You will receive initial feedback. At the same time, the coach presents the client with possible courses of action and strategies.
5. ‍Implementation phase
Now the decisive phase has begun. This phase is about integrating the action steps worked out together with the client into everyday life.
6. Control of success
Now it is time to integrate the jointly developed action steps into everyday life.

Your way to more relief in your life

‍Systemic coaching

1:1 Coaching hours

Together we can create new perspectives, examine your past and thoroughly determine current situations. In doing so, we find out from which aspects it comes and look for solutions on how you can master them. 1:1 coaching can be booked individually - you determine the duration. Alternatively, I have 6 month and 1 year packages that are offered to you at better prices.


Seminars can help to gain new perspectives and deepen existing knowledge. They're a great way to stay motivated and grow. In addition, seminars enable exchanges with other participants who have had similar experiences.


Workbooks will help you think more clearly. Doing everything just by speaking can quickly be forgotten or feelings get confused. When you write, you can better identify and create a clear path.

Actionable Tips

If you practice regularly and want to work on your progress, you can follow these simple tips. So you can focus on staying on the ball and making your progress measurable.

Is that what you want?

You can contact me at any time for a non-binding meeting and find out in a first, free consultation how I can help you to relax.


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